About Me

My photo
Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
unromantic °

January 28, 2010

omg, thats totally cute ! lace legging, jeans jacket, sailor dress.

collectible photo

acid washed blazer-marshmallow, acid washed pants-gift from my mom,tee-local clothing store

denim short-unbranded, jeep tee, vans

brown vest-miint creations, tosca necklace-unbranded, studd headband-sistermagz bonus

January 26, 2010

the shitty "tes direktorat" !

oh my shitty dear. i have to tell you about something shitty. once more, something shitty. i dont know why that shitty teacher told me that i must do the shitty exam. yeah, the shitty "tes direktorat" ! you know what ? biology, physics, chemistry for one night. no. but only for 6 hours. do you think thats enough to make me stress??? hello there, what do you know about my daily activities ? usually busy. busy as you take care of my dress, as you take care of your ass -,-

hey hey you couldn't try these rant, baby. i just in a joke ;P
anyway, i have to pass that exam with full of love, smile *show up my golden teeth* , read basmallah, dont be late, don't be cheat, but should be chat hihi xP i love you. success for me !

January 24, 2010

latest picture ;)

the rotten resolution pict!

there's the king & queen from school-castle

outfit for last eid. i really miss the power ranger watch!

i'm the rookie rookie monsterrr !!

hahahahhahahahahaha !! excited !

January 23, 2010

awesome video. it's hard to think how he made that coffee latte art. great! amazing!

its scary to think of how long this took...but i swear, no one from you which ever seen that video before xP

singapore i'll be there !

Ya Allah, senin gua musti ikut tes keorganisasian, kepemimpinan, sama english conversation buat student exchange ke singapur. gua gatau mau ngomong apa lagi selain minta doa dari temen-temen, termasuk kalian yang lagi baca. haaaaaa mudah-mudahan semua tes ngga sesusah apa yang gua bayangin sekarang. gua harus bisa nyisihin segitu banyak orang! gua harus lancar entar bahasa inggrisnya! gua harus lancar ngomong depan pa TJ! gua harus lancar ngomong depan bu tuti! 
Alhamdulillah banget, kemaren jumat pas tes kepribadian jawabnya bener-bener lancar dan gak salah ngomong. mudah2an tes yang lain juga begitu. amin. ampe gua, fany, mayang bela-belain duduk manis tegap setengah mampus di depan bu....siapa teh? teu nyahoan we ah. Alhamdulillah juga, gua ga ditanyain :

"Bisa masak nasi gak ?"
"Bisa nyuci pake mesin cuci gak ?"
 kalopun itu ditanyain, firstly, gua pasti jawab :

"Dulu sih saya pernah belajar masak nasi sama ibu saya, tapi dipraktekinnya baru sekali. Insyaallah sekarang masih inget bu, gimana cara-caranya." padahal nyari beras aja males, gimana mo masak nasi?!
 "Saya pernah nyuci pake mesin cuci, pertama-tama lumayan bingung juga sih gimana cara makenya. tapi akhirnya saya diajarin sama bibi di rumah sampe bisa. sampe sekarang kalo lagi ga ada pembantu di rumah, saya nyuci sendiri pake mesin cuci, lumayan lah bantu-bantu pekerjaan rumah," ngosrek cucian secara manual aja jarang banget apalagi mesin cuci. puas gua udah ngerusakin mesin cuci yang dulu emak gua punya zzz

ni dia nih si defira dan ara sang saingan berat. bahasa inggrisnya keren abis mereka, tapi lebih kerenan gua sih (?) so, cekidot tampang mereka....

yang pake sweater biru si defira, yang pake baju putih si ara pacar a @gibranmuhammad hahaha :D

well, cukup sekian. 
doain yaa semuanya supaya gua lulus tes ke-lima-lima-nya dengan lancar dan selalu berpositive thinking ;P


January 21, 2010

.only in my dream.

white fuji instax mini. i want polaroid !

holga 120CFN (multicolor edition)

diana mini (with flash). able to put on your pocket.

aquapix. water proof.

huhuhu. somebody please give me that cameras :(

January 20, 2010

"i have to live independently"

i know Allah s.w.t 'are' in here for accompany and give me many support. SO PLEASE GUYS, PRAY ME BEFORE I DO THE TEST ; english conversation ; mean of leadership ; personality ; all about traditional ; all about our culture !!

January 18, 2010

play with my sister , play with my grandma's handmade bow (smooch)


black outwear-dloops, legging-unbranded, white shoes-2nd days (me)
batik dress-house of sekar, bow flat-made by order (dika)
batik dress-tailor made, sandals-house of donatello (citta)
paper bow-made by my grandma
location : grandma's house


January 16, 2010

choose one, choose you love

.marc by marc jacob.

.alice in the wonderland's dress.

.love the twelve barbie's gown.

.what a kristen's rebel look? she makes me floating away.

.dina vahada for vahada.

mid january wish list :)

from Shop Picnic :

> that purple satin skirt

> that zipper shirt and purple zebra velvet skirt

> that tiger tee and denim short

< that rose tule legging

> that cut-out tailored pants

> that see through top

> that grandma chiffon blouse

 > that ripped purple blouse

> that lace sassy dress

> that blue alice dress

> that rose zip tank

> that lace padded top

and for velvet shoes. grrrrrrhh only IDR100rb !!!

January 14, 2010

"hoho i come back"

berhari-hari tak posting. sekarang mencoba untuk lebih mendalami "apa sih blogger itu ?"
result : blogger adalah tempat dimana kita bisa "mengekspresikan" segala hal melalui dunia maya, dalam bentuk tulisan, gambar, atau apapun sesuai keinginan si owner.

setelah gua perhatiin kata2 itu, ada yang ganjil. kenapa kata 'mengekspresikan' musti dipakein tanda kutip?
result : karena si owner bukannya mengekspresikan kehidupan sehari-harinya, tapi malah ngebacot gak jelas kalo lagi nulis entri -,-

tuh kan ngebacot wokwokwok :P
habis ga ada kerjaan

January 13, 2010
