About Me

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Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
unromantic °

March 30, 2010

hi hi hi why don't if i tell you about the latest experience in bahasa ?
okeee jadi ceritanya gua, lolo, mayang, saghita, icha, devy, upi main ke botas hari minggu kemaren. kita nonton dragon tapi bukan yang 3D karena prihatin dengan kondisi uang anak anak, padahal cuma nambah lima ribu doang (bagi kita gope pun berarti buat bayar angkoot).
jam setengah 11 kita udah di depan xxi padahal xxi nya juga belom buka. yaudah kita jalan jalan dulu. gua lolo mayang muterin botas naik turun eskalator tanpa tujuan sedangkan saghita icha devy upi mainnya ke gramedia (astagf demi apa lu jadi batu gua disana kalo jalan bareng temen temen). okelah gua maklumin karena gua jalan hari itu bener bener sama anak anak pinter pentolan 7e. dengan berbekal satu botol minute maid pulpy orange (lengkap banget alias ngiklan), gua melangkah menuju studio 3 dan ketemu sama temen temen lain, contohnya amer, tami, uma, putri, nindy, abel, alya, adrian, widia, ka dita smp5, ka sarah smp5, ka otto smp5, teh rica dkk, dan anak anak gaul lainnya yang gabisa gua sebutin satu-satu. gua duduk di kursi G. film nya seru tapi ada satu kejadian freakyyy abis, si saghita tepuk tangan coba pas si toothless lagi ngapaiiiin gitu gua lupa, yaampun gua ama si lolo ngakak! wkakaka. si aa lagi ! pake ngegosip yang joker joker di chat mxit (add mxit gua 62811149495) tentang si the jak, bilang dia jable lah, jelek lah, ga ada cowo yg mau lah, ga seksi sama sekali lah, hahahahahaha asli gua sama lolo ampe ga konsen film nya nyeritain tentang apa ck. 

habis nonton kita ke lodaya, bukan mau tebar pesona tapi dengan alasan yang lebih spesifik ;
ya, kita lapar! kita mau makan! haha naon sih si sekar ngelawak 
si icha toleeee beli kentang mcflurry sama minum nyesel mending yg 18 rebu aja kaya gua. mana memalukan lagi pas di kasirnya. lagian tuh anak mesen ga pake mikir hahaha kembalian buat gua masa diterima dengan muka manisnya di depan si mba pelayan. gua mah ngikik aja habis lucu ;p
dan terakhiiiir kita naek 05 ke rumah icha and got the photo session !
udah deh berhubung lo tau sendiri lah ya gua boros banget jadi perbekalan gua 65 rebu itu habis dan akhirnya nebeng mobil lolo sampe depan rumah hehehe makasih ya lolo, makasih juga buat mang jamal hahaha!

March 28, 2010

fun under the sun :D

PEEK A BOO ! hey im here :D
i just want to post some entry about activity in my leisure...

location : in my green yard
photographer : me and my vent friend
wardrobe : unkl347 (tee),
                   old navy (short),
                   botani square (blazer),
                   mangga dua (sandals&bag),
                   online shop (shirt&skirt),
                   in her shoes (white shoes),
                   mom's (denim jacket),
                   unbranded (white plain tee).


yay i think thats enough sooo GOOD BYE 

March 23, 2010

Ke to the Sha !

Kesha Rose Sebert.
Totally awesome ! Ubercool look !
Love her stye ! Miss Rebel but chic !
check out her song ..
# tik tok
# take it off
# boots and boy
# animal
# dinosaur
# blah blah blah

March 16, 2010

love the photograph so much.

gogirl photo session by arseto adiputra 

what the hell of the fuckin' ticket prize ?!
march 23. tennis indor senayan. you can also get the ticket here

huh. math and civic education for tomorrow. 
be positive thinking and believe that i can do that :D
i bought some magazine for refreshing my days. yeah, sister march edition.

that's all about virtual world and im in love with The Little Things She Needs :) 

March 13, 2010

so tired.

still you remember these picts ? 

ahhhh. im getting tired tonight. there are physical book, chemical book, social studies book, and mathematic book which are still "sitting" on my table. at 7 a.m usually i wake up from my dream. and then i took a bath, had a breakfast, continued to study for mid semester ! firstly first, i learnt physics until 12.30 p.m, i listened music, took a photo session in my room, studied about hydrosphere, density, angle, or anything you want.
good night yea.

March 11, 2010

looklet play part 2

today's mood : nude pink, baby blue, soft purple, monochrome, and also monotone !

webcam-ing during bahasa lesson

by the waaay, i received some award from riri

thankyou ! 
click on the link to know how beautiful she is :)
just quickly post hehe. bye.

March 6, 2010

welcome back ladies !

HELLO. are you still remember me? yes, there's loooong time no post. my computer was damage by strange viruses so i can't blogging for a while. now, i post this entry by using my mom's nokia e71 hahaha. by the way, how are you ? just for you know, there is a mid semester test from march 15 until 20. that's why i cant blogging everyday :( wish me luck, i believe we can pass the tests successfully. Amiiiiiiiinn.

Hmmm yesterday i watched for alice in wonderland with tiffany, finca (and her cousin namely kak icha), teh raras, teh dita, and teh rica. me, fany, and finca are in 7th grade. teh raras, teh dita, and teh rica are in 8th grade. And kak icha are in 9th grade. So what can you say ? we can show you that friends must not at the same age, but we can try someone senior or junior for having fun at the weekend :D
